We have a 𝗯𝗶𝗴 birthday coming up in 2025, and we want to celebrate all year long with a new KVPD logo! Have the talent to design us something snazzy? Enter our 100 Year Logo Contest and be entered to win a prize valued at $250!
Contest Rules:
- Open to all ages. There is no fee to enter but an entry form must be filled out.
- All logo designs and entry forms must be submitted to the email 100Years@kvpd.com no later than Monday, April 1 at 11:59 pm. Last submissions will not be considered.
- The Kankakee Valley Park District will select the winning logo to be featured on all digital and print marketing materials from June 2024 through December 2025. The logo will be displayed on all brochures starting in January 2025 through December 2025. Winners will be announced on May 1, 2024.
- The 1st place winner will receive an award valued at $250.00.
- The logo designs must be an original creation and include the following:
- The name “Kankakee Valley Park District”
- Use of the KVPD tree (available in several formats and will be emailed out after registering).
- Use of the KVPD green color in some capacity (Hex Code #004E00). May include other colors.
- Include the years “1925-2025”.
- All submitted work must be the original work of the entrant(s) and must not include, be based on, or derived from any pre-existing or third-party designs, trademarks, or copyrighted images.
- All entries submitted will become the property of the Kankakee Valley Park District, and will not be returned and may be used for any lawful purpose. By submitting an entry, each entrant agrees that any and all intellectual property rights in the logo design are deemed assigned to the Kankakee Valley Park District. The Kankakee Valley Park District will not reimburse anyone for their costs of preparing and submitting logo designs. Other than the prized awarded to the winning entry, all entrants acknowledge that they will receive no compensation at any point in connection with the selection and use of their winning submitted work.
- The Kankakee Valley Park District reserves the right, within its sole discretion, to modify the winning logo to better fit the needs of the Park District.
- The Kankakee Valley Park District is not responsible for lost, late, misdirected, incomplete, illegible, or otherwise unusable entries, including entries that are lost or unusable due to computer, internet, or electronic problems.
- If the winner is determined to have violated any Contest Rules, he/she will be required to forfeit or return the prize, even if the determination is made after the prize has been awarded.
Design and Formatting Requirements:
- All logos must be submitted in electronic format. Designs can be submitted in .jpeg, .png, .tiff or PDF formats. If a hard-copy design sketch is submitted, it must be scanned or otherwise rendered into one of the above computer formats and submitted. Resolution must be at least 300 dpi.
- All logos must be in full color and be a minimum of 3 inches by 3 inches (3" x 3"). Logo designs may be larger.
- All entries must be original and free of copyright restrictions.
Please visit here to download a copy of the entry form.